Hello! I’m newbie in this world. I met arduino a week ago.
Some people including me are having problem with using PIN 0 as a INPUT.
I have a ARDUINO UNO R3.
As specification, PIN 0 and 1 are can be used as INPUT and OUTPUT if you are not using serial functions. But many times it does not work. I tried, but can’t find information about it.
I tested PIN 0 as a push switch and found it works well with pull up switch.
But PIN 0 always stays HIGH with pull down switch.
Many people use 10K resistors for switch. But PIN 0 does not work with pull down switch using 10K resistor. And if you make pull down switch with resistors with resistors lower than 10K, it works on PIN 0. ( I used 5K resistor)
] So I think that some circuits in aduino make PIN 0 has higher voltage.
I’m not good at electronics, so not sure it is safe for my arduino.