Using Arduino Droid to creat a sketch

hello I am new here. I have been sending every free minute for the last month trying to put together a thunder and lightning simulator for my kids to give my wife for mother's day, but I can't get the sketches to compile and I am at my wit's end. so with mother's day almost here I think it's time to put aside mu pride and hopefully somebody can point me in the right direction.
here is the project I am trying to do: Thunder Lightning Animation
I have a pretty good handle on the hardware. it's the programming that I am beyond frustrated with. I am trying to compile the sketches on Arduino Droid but keep getting errors. The only thing I have been able to compile and use is a sketch with only lightning without sound.
Arduino Droid keeps saying 'DFPlayer_Mini_Mp3.h' file not found.
I am really hoping someone has some advice for me.
Thank you

Have you looked for the file?

I thought the file was what I got from GitHub DFPlayer-Mini-mp3/DFPlayer_Mini_Mp3.h at master · DFRobot/DFPlayer-Mini-mp3 · GitHub Or am I totally missing something?

I am trying to compile the sketches on Arduino Droid

What the heck is Arduino Droid, and why don't you try compiling and linking using the IDE on a PC?

I am working on the road and didn't have access to a PC, so i was trying to do it on my phone. Now I have a laptop and am using Arduino IDE and still having issues. I think the reason I am getting the error in the main sketch of: No such file <DFPlayer_Mini_Mp3.h> may be because I cannot get the sketch to compile without errors. My errors are

c:\User\Mary\AppData\Local\Temp\ccio0or9.ltrans.o: In function 'main':

c/:Program Files (x86)\Arduino\avr\cores\arduino/main.cpp:46: undefined reference to 'setup'

c/:Program Files ... 'setup'

collect2.exe: error: 1d returned 1 exit status

DFPlayer_Mini_Mp3.ino (6.45 KB)

c/:Program Files (x86)\Arduino\avr\cores\arduino/main.cpp:46: undefined reference to 'setup'

Well, where IS your setup() function? Your loop() function?