I'm an arduino noob, with some theoretic background in electronics (a long time ago). My girlfriend and I are starting an Escape room in januari 2017.
In function of that Escape Room I'm in need of some advice for some puzzles and doorlocks where I intend to use an Arduino.
I would be most grateful if you could let me know if my idea's are feasible with an Arduino and if you could send me schematics in how to connect everything to the arduino or arduinos and power supplies.
First puzzle
a marble has to complete a course to pass a sensor, this sensor unlocks the electrolock (5 volt) in a door.
Second puzzle
5 objects (jars with ingredients) need to be placed on the right place on a floor with a drawing on it (a normal plank floor) , when this happens an electrolock opens. It would be preferrable if every jar has his own unique place, so reed switches are a plan B, I think. Is it possible to make this work through a floor ?
Third puzzle
is the last door. (see attachment)There is a door with 4 classic key and number locks that keep the door locked by making connection with wall and door with an eyescrew in the wall and a angle iron in the door. The electronic part is the timer that counts down from 1 hour to zero, when the contestants don't get out in time the angle irons give way from the door, thus releasing the contestants. this seems to need strong magnet locks hidden underneath the front of a door to hold the irons.
with every lock dilemma described above I wonder how long the deactivation can last, and what would be the best way to activate the locks again (when the hour is past) and I want to setup the next game.
My last dilemma that I have is not necessarily solved with an arduino, but I'm afraid it's my only option left.
To give the contestants hints I want to use an old phone (because it fits in the theme). The phone needs to ring and when picked up, to produce automatic recorded hints every 10 minutes, with the possibility to squeeze in spontaneous clues for the people who are really stuck. Because I want an authentic phone I'm a bit lost to make the old phone communicate with phone central and/or computer. So my plan B is to change the speaker in the phone and let it connect with the arduino, who on it's turn communicates with computer and pre-recorded mp3's, at least that's what I think is possible with the arduino but I don't have a clue how to make this work.
If someone could help me out with my puzzles, or point me in the right direction, I would be immensely thankful.