I want to use an Arduino nano as my ISP-Programmer in order to program a "naked on the breadboard-" ATmega88V-10PU using AtmeStudio.
I have loaded the ArduinoISP sketch onto my nano, the "Heartbeat" Led is pulsating as it should.
VCC,GND,RESET, MOSI,MISO und SCK of my Nano are connected to the Mega88 as they have to.
But, how do i select the nano as ISP in AtmelStudio? I have selected the right com-Port, but the only programmer AtmelStudio gives me is the STK500 (which i don´t have) .
Note: I want to program my Mega88 with plain C, no bootloader.
Sorry if this is maybe less an arduino, but more of an AtmelStudio-Question, but i guess some of you might have had the same problem before.
i just gave up on atmelstudio. Semms like AvrDude is able to to more or less "natively" use an arduino as isp in order to program another AtmelMicrocontroller, but AVR Studio cant do that.
Another try:
how do i upload plain C code to my ATmega88V-10PU using only arduino and an Arduino Nano as ISP?
As before, my Nano has the ArduinoISP sketch uploaded. No i just wrote a very simple plain C program within a new "arduino window".
#include <avr/io.h>
int main(void)
DDRC |= (1<<DDC5);
//TODO:: Please write your application code
Ho can i program this on my Mega88?
Ok, i have selected
"Tools->Programmer->Arduino as ISP"
If i just press upload, it overwrites the Nano instead. How do i tell arduino to flash this on my 88 and not overwrite my nano instead?