Using Arduino outdoor

I am a beginner and have not bought any components yet because I need help. I want to build a weight scale that I can have in my trashcan outside. I want it to be connected to internet so I can get the measurements to a database (SQL). I have been looking at components and what I can find is: Weight sensors, connected to a hx711, which is connected to a Arduino mkr gsm 1400. I have been looking at connecting this to a litium battery. My concerns are:

  1. Have I chosen the right components? Is there an easier way?
  2. Will I be able to connect it to the internet? Do I need a 3G chip for this?
  3. How do I make it weatherproof? It will be inside a trashcan but I am thinking about having a plastic cover over it.
  4. How do I do with the fire safety? Since I don't want it to be a fire in my trashcan. What vires is good for this? Is it enough to just keep it in the can? I live in a cold country so heat wont be a considered risk. But the water/humidity can be.

Thank you for reading and answering my questions.

if you go for the Arduino mkr gsm 1400 then you need to add a SIM card that supports 2G or 3G cellular networks.

Yes provided that you get a signal from inside the trashcan. Is it in metal?

what will you weight? shouldn't the system be under the trashcan if you want to see how weight progresses overt time ? having it inside the trashcan means you need to build some kind of custom "bottom" and won't get the true weight if stuff gets caught against the walls of the trashcan.

There are projects monitoring the weight of a beehive that could be of interest for your questions.

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  • consider that 2G/3G are phasing out ( verify they are still available in your zone, generally they are still available, how long? ), you need a sim card
  • consider also using a board with bluetooth/wifi and your cellphone as hotspot ( the board could be an esp32 for example ), you need a cellphone
  • for the security, once you 'fireproof' the lithium batteries you are ok, the rest of the circuit could be enclosed in a simple plastic waterproof container ( which is trasparent to rf )
  • regarding the scale, you need a load cell, a stand/support, a plate, not easy to waterproof ( if it need to be )
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