I am a beginner and have not bought any components yet because I need help. I want to build a weight scale that I can have in my trashcan outside. I want it to be connected to internet so I can get the measurements to a database (SQL). I have been looking at components and what I can find is: Weight sensors, connected to a hx711, which is connected to a Arduino mkr gsm 1400. I have been looking at connecting this to a litium battery. My concerns are:
- Have I chosen the right components? Is there an easier way?
- Will I be able to connect it to the internet? Do I need a 3G chip for this?
- How do I make it weatherproof? It will be inside a trashcan but I am thinking about having a plastic cover over it.
- How do I do with the fire safety? Since I don't want it to be a fire in my trashcan. What vires is good for this? Is it enough to just keep it in the can? I live in a cold country so heat wont be a considered risk. But the water/humidity can be.
Thank you for reading and answering my questions.