I just purchased a Tian and I am trying to something basic working. I am not compleatly new to Arduino but I am out of my depth here.
I can upload code to the Tian over the network port from my Mac fine. I want to get the basic I/O to to Tian similar to the Serial monitor using Serial.print. The Ciao ThingSpeak example has the line :
Ciao.println( "State: " + String (data.get(1)) );
Where does this data go? How do I see it? I could not find anything on the Ciao.println. Is it possible t get the basic Serial Monitor function over the network?
If I open the serial monitor I get.
Unable to connect: retrying (1)...
Unable to connect: retrying (2)...
Unable to connect: retrying (3)...
Unable to connect: retrying (4)...
Unable to connect: is the sketch using the bridge?
Any help is appreciated.