I've read numerous posts about setting up Arduino to function as an ir-receiver, but I want the opposite; I want to remote control a DVD player with my Arduino.
Using the original remote in combination with Arduino turned out to be difficult, so my idea is to use an ir-LED and send the right command codes (even more difficult...).
I've searched the internet for examples, libraries etc, but couldn't find anything useful.
What I did find was a site with command codes for all kinds of ir-signals, but I have no idea how to translate them into something Arduino would understand.
The Blue-ray player is a Sony BDP S350
I only need to configure a few signals (power on/off, play, pause, previous / next).
first thing you need to do is find out what type of signal your remote sends and your dvd player receives. this can be done by looking it up on the the internet or more directly by getting an ir receiver (radioshack $4) and using the ir tester program posted on the playground. this will give you the pulse lengths of both high and low for your signal. you can compare them to the known ones at this site:
After you know what protocol you have, you can check if someone else has already made a sketch that decodes/sends that type or a similar one and modify it. thats what i did for my previously undecoded rc6 protocol decoder. i know for a fact that nec and rc5 already have been done. search for them on the forum
i believe your best bet would be to modify the nec protocol library by changing the values for 1 and 0 bit times and the number of bits per message. (maybe a few other things). here's the library link: http://arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1210243556Link