Using Arduino to execute commands from SD Card

I'm looking to control WS2812b RGB Leds with an Arduino (with FastLED.h) but I want to be able to execute patterns from an SD Card instead of the program memory.

If I had a text file like so:


Where in "l#(#,#,#)" the first # represents the led place in the strip and the following #'s represent the R,G, and B values. "d#" represents a delay.

What necessary steps would I have to take to translate l3(255,0,255) to led[3].setRGB(255, 0, 255);

You can treat the SD file in a similar way to a Serial input. Look at examples #3 and #5 in Serial Input Basics

While a file may not look like a Serial input, it really is the same. The carriage-return-line-feed is used as the start and end characters.