Using Arduino with IRMP to send Mitsubishi Heavy IR protocol

I have been working with the IRMP library to get data to/from my Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Aircon and I have been succesful at capturing codes from my remote. However I cannot get anywhere with the sending side of my project. I have two Arduino UNO R3's one setup as an IR receiver the other as a IR transmitter.

I have good programing and electronics experience but I seem to have got a case of information overload. I have used a modified OneProtocol.ino file from the IRMP for the data receiver but I cannot get any of the other examples to work as a data transmitter for the Mitsubishi protocol. Can anyone help ?


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@smf-a , Have you been able to get control to your MHI aircon.
I haven't started anything yet but if you were able to document some of the protocol it would be very handy.

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