I have a few pi's but thinking an arduino would be the best choice for this project.
I have a set of digital scales that has an rs232 port.
I have connected it to my pc and got it to register the weight.
I want to have it jooked up to an arduino or similar and be able to set a weight limit and have a buzzer go off when the weight hits/ goes over that limit.
I also want to be able to zero/ tare the weight but keep the alarm at the same weight and have the weight limit adjustable.
I'm thinking an arduino would be the better choice unless there's something else that would work?
Anyone have any advice on what to use and how to do it?
I have made a few projects with pi's but they were very simple.
You could use an Arduino UNO and a software serial port, or you could use an Arduino Mega that has 4 serial ports.
You would need an RS232-TTL serial adapter board to convert the voltage levels to a processor friendly level. Obviously, you would need a buzzer and a pushbutton.
You appear to know the format of the serial data that the scales send out. Have a read through this topic for an overview of reading from the serial port:
First thing is to read the weight from the scales, so while you wait for a MAX-232 to arrive, it might be worth plugging the USB adapter into a Pi and see if you can read it there.
yeah I guess it would be an idea. I had to install some drivers for the pc. don't know how I would do it with the pi.
just planning everything at this stage and see what i can use... starting a list up atm.. plenty of other half finished projects I want/ need to finish before starting anymore!