I'm brand new to everything Arduino (and IDE's) and this Forum, so please excuse any unintended goofs I make!
My goal is to be able to program in Assembler with a "proper" Assembler IDE.
(I used to write device drivers in ASM decades ago and saw nothing particularly unusual in this need???)
So I began walking through a learning curve:
I successfully tried out the Arduino IDE (The "Blink" sketch worked just fine!). But full ASM support wasn't claimed or expected (no problem with that...)
So I loaded up Atmel Studio 6.
Then all my problems began.
It was difficult to do "what it said on the label", namely DOWNLOADING to my standard, mass-market UNO, after compilation.
That "ASM" didn't work "out-of-the-box", at least with the Market Leader, start-to-finish, was quite amazing!!!
Then I read about Visual Micro which claimed to make everything easy and automatic - a complete, usable, IDE based on Atmel Studio 6 with their plug-in. It seemed to cater for ASM.... but it didn't!
All it seems to do is make working and downloading with sketches transportable from Arduino IDE to Studio 6 IDE.
Conclusion - for would-be ASM programmers, Snake Oil. But you get what you pay for and it was Free....
So, unless someone can show me a simple way to make ASM work (including download to a UNO) on Studio 6, I'm consigned to programming entirely via "sketches" (C/C++ has little attraction for me, I'm a hardware/ASM person!)
I might just as well flip back to The Arduino IDE, unless someone out there can help?
Google searches have been fruitless, but that might be that I'm not using the correct keywords I suppose.... as you probably can see by now, I find it incredible that programming in Assembler (and downloading the code into a UNO) isn't easily possible!
All attempts at rescue are warmly welcomed.