Using Bluetooth to make hands free call or text.

Hello, I am very new to this and have been searching but can not find what I am thinking of. I am trying to accomplish using a cellphone via Bluetooth to send a message from a phone that it is linked to and once the pin that is programmed goes high it triggers it to send a message. Just as you would do with Wifi or a GSM module. But instead possibly using some type of app.

Another method I was trying to achieve was using the Arduino to communicate with the phone to tell it to open up a webpage. This option is not really favored because I would have to use IFTTT. Which isn't bad but if it is possible for the Arduino to the sensors data and send it to the phone and the phone sends it wouldn't be bad.

But overall I am trying to make a phone send a message once the Arduino tells it to.

If anyone has any advice I am all ears!

Cross posted here. Using Bluetooth to make hands free call or text. - Project Guidance - Arduino Forum
