Using Constrain library with an UNO

I have two variables (int, long) which I want to change by pressing buttons. In both cases there is given a certain range. The variables should not become larger or smaller. Instead of of controlling the variables with if-statements it sounded a good idea to use the constrain library instead. I use the Arduino UNO.
The ZIP-library lies in the correct folder, the library shows up in the library list (Sketch - Import Library).

//Example sketch for testing, the long varable ignored
#include <Constrain.h>
Constrained<int> constrainedInt(2, 0, 10);
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
constrainedInt = 0;
for(int i=0; i<12, i++){

void loop() {

The compiler says: "Error compiling for the board Uno"

Is the constrain library not suitable for the Uno?

Thanks for answering


The problem is not in the use of the library, you have one } too many at the end of the setup.

You don't really need this library, there exist a native function to constrain a variable between 2 values : try this, it's a little heavier but it should work (not tested)

int constrainedInt;
const int minValue = 0;
const int maxValue = 10;

void setup() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
    constrainedInt = i - 2;
    constrain (constrainedInt, minValue, maxValue);

void loop() {

Set the monitor to 115200 baud.

Thanks for your suggestion. I didn't know constrain() as an already implemented function. I mostly prefer genuine functions to additional libraries, if there is an alternative.
I changed your code a little to see if the constraining works:

int constrainedInt;

void setup() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
    constrainedInt = i;
    constrain(constrainedInt, 2, 10);

void loop() {

The left column of the output should run from 0 to 14, in the right column only numbers 2...10 should appear, but both columns show the same (0...14). It seems that I have a mental block ;-(

The problem is not in the use of the library, you have one } too many at the end of the setup.

Deleting the } does not change the behaviour.


int constrainedInt;

void setup() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
    constrainedInt = constrain(i,2,10);
void loop()

That library is very old and hasn't been updated since 2011. It depends on the outdated Wprogram.h include.

@ outsider:
Thanks for the correction! The code suggested by you works. Thank you.

Since I know about constrain() there's no need for me to use the library Constrain.h.