Using custom fonts on a tft

Hello everyone,
for my recent project I need to use a tft display with an arduino due. I have a buydisplay ER-TFTM035-6 tft with the ILI9488 driver. It runs great with the modified UTFT library provided by buydisplay. The problem is that I need to use greek fonts. I know that there already made fonts for the library, but I want to make some of my own to fit my project better. I also know that there is a way of making new fonts for the UTFT but I can't understand how. I tried to make some but without results. I found a library called dfUTFT fork that you can use fonts created with The Dot Factory, but I can't compile the example sketch when I select the due. Is there any other way with any library to use greek fonts?

Thanks in advance!!!

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Never mind, I found a way. If anybody is interested in the future please contact me and I'll be glad to help.

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hello !

in this forum there is a some topics about how to create custom font ...
i search previous year for creating custom farsi/persian font and found some topics here
i dont know if still exist ...

you can use some software like fontforge and ...
and there is a german application for creating fonts and change this graphical font to the
hex strings for making whole alphabet characters