Using date as SD card filename (again)

I wish to use the date from RTC as filename for a datalogging project. I have spent a day looking at posts on the forum but I still cannot why my code will not work. I tried putting a slash in front of the filename but that did not work. The filename that I want is correct is the serial monitor output which is below:
17:29:47.030 -> Filename 05.05.23.txt
17:29:47.077 -> 05.05.23 17:29:47 247 3567.
Any ideas on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated. code below.

// JL Test code for SD card and RTC
#include <SD.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <DS3231.h>

File sdcard_file; // file object - naming the instance of the opened file - only one can be open at once
DS3231  rtc(SDA, SCL);
int CS_pin = 10; // Pin 10 on Arduino Uno
int dist;
int flux;
char filename[] = "00000000.TXT";

void setup() {
  flux = 3567;
  dist = 247;
  pinMode(CS_pin, OUTPUT);
  // SD Card Initialization
  if (SD.begin())
    Serial.println("SD card is ready to use.");
  } else
    Serial.println("SD card initialization failed");

void loop() {
sprintf(filename, "%s.txt", rtc.getDateStr(FORMAT_SHORT)); // this creates the desired 12 character filename % is where the variable goes and "S" denotes that it is a string.
Serial.print("Filename ");

  Serial.print(rtc.getDateStr(FORMAT_SHORT)); // use short format to get filename of date.txt down to 12 characters allowable including .TXT
  Serial.print("     ");
  Serial.print("      ");
  Serial.print("      ");

  sdcard_file =, FILE_WRITE); 
  if (sdcard_file) {                                    
    sdcard_file.print("     ");   
    sdcard_file.print("     ");
    sdcard_file.print("     ");
    sdcard_file.close(); // close the file
  // if the file didn't open, print an error:
  else {
    Serial.println("error opening file in loop code");

You are allowed exactly one period in the 8.3 filename format. It will work to use sprintf() to produce a file name something like "050523.txt"

sprintf(buf,"%02d%02d%02d.txt", month,day, yy); //integers, yy between 0 and 99

I really appreciate the fast response and a clear answer to my issue. I actually only need the date in the month (two characters) as my file name - today is 05.txt. I could get it to work using day of the week (Mon-Sun) which is commented out in the code below. However I am still struggling to get it to work with just the date in the month which is the live code below. The serial monitor output shows that that "05" is being correctly produced by the myString.remove command. Serial monitor output:

19:35:06.299 -> 05.05.2023
19:35:06.299 -> 05
19:35:06.350 -> Filename (.txt
19:35:06.350 -> 05.05.2023 19:35:06 247 3567
19:35:06.393 -> error opening file in loop code

// JL Test code for SD card and RTC
#include <SD.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <DS3231.h>
File sdcard_file; // file object - naming the instance of the opened file - only one can be open at once
                  // then sd card commands start with sdcard-file.
DS3231  rtc(SDA, SCL);
int CS_pin = 10; // Pin 10 on Arduino Uno
int dist;
int flux;
char filename[] = "00000000.TXT";  // declare the variable to use for filename
String myString = "Hello String";
void setup() {
  flux = 3567;
  dist = 247;
  pinMode(CS_pin, OUTPUT);
  // SD Card Initialization
  if (SD.begin())
    Serial.println("SD card is ready to use.");
  } else
    Serial.println("SD card initialization failed");

void loop() {
//sprintf(filename, "%s.txt", rtc.getDOWStr(FORMAT_SHORT)); // this creates the desired 12 character filename % is where the variable goes and "S" denotes that it is a string.
//Serial.print("Filename ");

String myString = rtc.getDateStr();
myString.remove(2,8); // starting after character 2, remove 8 characters from the string.

sprintf(filename, "%s.txt", myString ); // this creates the desired  filename % is where the variable goes and "S" denotes that it is a string.
Serial.print("Filename ");

  Serial.print("     ");
  Serial.print("      ");
  Serial.print("      ");

  sdcard_file =, FILE_WRITE); 
  if (sdcard_file) {                                    
    sdcard_file.print("     ");   
    sdcard_file.print("     ");
    sdcard_file.print("     ");
    sdcard_file.close(); // close the file
  // if the file didn't open, print an error:
  else {
    Serial.println("error opening file in loop code");

Avoid using Strings on Arduino, they cause memory problems and program crashes. The Evils of Arduino Strings | Majenko's Hardware Hacking Blog

PS the serial monitor output on my screen below the row with "05" actually shows filename as an open bracket followed by two square characters and then .txt

Hi, I am all up and running now thanks. I will need to look at the strings aspect of my code. Many thanks.

All that string manipulation seems rather complicated. Which DS3231 library are you using?

Does it not have a function to simply return the day of the month?

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