using delay function to pause movement

I am using the built-in delay function to temporarily pause a couple motors. But the code after the delay does not get implemented, almost as if the program freezes entirely. Here is my code /

void reverse(int x)
if (forwardDrive == true)

That halt(); looks like a suspicious character when looking for freeze suspects. What's it do?


the halt function just stops the motors from rotating.

The question was not "what do you think the halt function does?". The question was "what does the halt function do?".

You need to post the code for the halt function. If execution of the application does not continue with the first statement after the halt function, then there is a pretty good chance that the problem is in the halt function.

Now, I know you're thinking "That couldn't possibly be!". But, functions that people swore could not be the source of the problem have often been proven to have been the source of the problem.

void halt()

I am pretty sure this works considering in the main loop function I use it in another if statement. But I could be wrong.

Going to tease us, huh? It would be better if you posted all of your code.

//include libraries
#include <Servo.h>

//set-up wheel variables
const int rightfrontmotorOne = 2; // H-bridge1 Right Front leg 1(pin 2, 1A)
const int rightfrontmotorTwo = 3; // H-bridge1 Right Front leg 2(pin 7, 2A)
const int rightrearmotorOne = 0; // H-bridge1 Right Rear leg 1(pin 15, 1A)
const int rightrearmotorTwo = 1; // H-bridge1 Right Rear leg 2(pin 10, 2A)
const int leftfrontmotorOne = 7; // H-bridge1 Left Front leg 1(pin 2, 1A)
const int leftfrontmotorTwo = 8; // H-bridge1 Left Front leg 2(pin 7, 2A)
const int leftrearmotorOne = 4; // H-bridge2 Left Rear leg 1(pin 15, 1A)
const int leftrearmotorTwo = 5; // H-bridge2 Left Rear leg 2(pin 10, 2A)
const int enablePinRF = 6; // H-bridge1 Right Front enable pin
const int enablePinRR = 9; // H-bridge1 Right Rear enable pin
const int enablePinLF = 10; // H-bridge2 Left Front enable pin
const int enablePinLR = 11; // H-bridge2 Left Rear enable pin

//extra variables
boolean forwardDrive;

//sensor variables
int sensorPin = 0;
int sensorVal = 0;
boolean carOK = true;
//servo variables
Servo mainServo;
int servoPin = 12;

//wheel functions
void controlRightFront(boolean one, boolean two, int x);
void controlRightRear(boolean one, boolean two, int x);
void controlLeftFront(boolean one, boolean two, int x);
void controlLeftRear(boolean one, boolean two, int x);
void forward(int x);
void reverse(int x);
void slowDown(boolean one, boolean two, int x);
void halt();

//sensor functions
boolean viewIsClear();

//servo functions

void setup() {
// set all the other pins you're using as outputs:
pinMode(rightfrontmotorOne, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rightfrontmotorTwo, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rightrearmotorOne, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rightrearmotorTwo, OUTPUT);
pinMode(leftfrontmotorOne, OUTPUT);
pinMode(leftfrontmotorTwo, OUTPUT);
pinMode(leftrearmotorOne, OUTPUT);
pinMode(leftrearmotorTwo, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enablePinRF, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enablePinRR, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enablePinLF, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enablePinLR, OUTPUT);

// set enablePin high so that motor can turn on:
analogWrite(enablePinRF, 0);
analogWrite(enablePinRR, 0);
analogWrite(enablePinLF, 0);
analogWrite(enablePinLR, 0);

void loop() {

if (viewIsClear())


void controlRightFront(boolean one, boolean two, int x)
analogWrite(enablePinRF, x);
digitalWrite(rightfrontmotorOne, one);
digitalWrite(rightfrontmotorTwo, two);

void controlRightRear(boolean one, boolean two, int x)
Serial.println("I was called!");
analogWrite(enablePinRR, x);
digitalWrite(rightrearmotorOne, one);
digitalWrite(rightrearmotorTwo, two);

void controlLeftFront(boolean one, boolean two, int x)
analogWrite(enablePinLF, x);
digitalWrite(leftfrontmotorOne, one);
digitalWrite(leftfrontmotorTwo, two);

void controlLeftRear(boolean one, boolean two, int x)
analogWrite(enablePinLR, x);
digitalWrite(leftrearmotorOne, one);
digitalWrite(leftrearmotorTwo, two);

void reverse(int x)
if (forwardDrive == true)

void forward(int x)
forwardDrive = true;

void halt()

void slowDown(boolean one, boolean two, int x)

boolean viewIsClear()
sensorVal = analogRead(sensorPin);

if (sensorVal > 300)
carOK = false;
return false;

return true;

You have a Serial.println statement in controlRightRear, but no Serial.begin statement in setup.

I don't know, for certain, what that does, but I don't think it's a good thing.

How do you know that the code after the delay statement doesn't get called?

I'd add a Serial.begin statement, and Serial.print(ln) statements in each function, so that I could see which functions are being called.

Running a wire from the computer to the motor controlled device is a pain, but adding LEDs and blinking Morse code isn't much better.

I got it working! I had to set forwardDrive to false in the last line of code in the reverse function. ;D