I'm a little unclear on the results this would generate. Right now I read voltage on two analog pins and subtract the smallest from the largest to get the difference. If I were to take one of those inputs and use it as an external reference, would the analog read result be the same as if I did the math/ For instance...
A0 = 500
A1 = 600
End Result = 600 - 500 = 100
Would this produce the same results?
AREF = 500
A1 = 600
Because the reference is 500, would the read on A1 produce 100?
The data sheet says 0-5V for the AREF. What I'm wondering is if I put 2.5V on AREF, then put 3V on A0, what will an analog read show? Then go the other way and put 2V on A0, what will it show?
Using a 5V ref, 0-5V on A0 reads the actual voltage (0-5V) Just wondering if I use a different AREF if that will offset the analog read result.