Using files off of the computer

i would like to know how i can use .h files off of the computer and run them on the arduino while there still on the computer
my code is

#include <PCD8544.h>
#include "pudpud22.h"

// The dimensions of the LCD (in pixels)...
static const byte LCD_WIDTH = 84;
static const byte LCD_HEIGHT = 48;

// pictures dimensions
static const byte bad_w =84;
static const byte b_h = 48;

static PCD8544 lcd;

void setup() {
lcd.drawBitmap(pudpud22, bad_w, bad_h);

void loop() {


As long as the file is in the right place, or the full pathname specified, why ever not?

Ok and how would i do this?

Specify the pathname. In full.

so would what i put in be ok as thats the pathname. i never see the rx or tx lights go on when i do

Sorry - I assumed we're talking about "pudpud22.h" - it's a compile-time thing, what do you mean "i never see the rx or tx lights go on when i do "?
Are you saying it doesn't compile?

when i fully finish all of the images on the code the space will be a lot more than the arduino can hold.
i want to keep these files on the computer and then the arduino can read them when it needs them

I'm sorry - you obviously have some idea of what it is you want to achieve, but (IMHO) you haven't adequately conveyed that idea to me.

Are you saying you need to transport a file from the PC piecemeal to the Arduino?
Have you tried Processing?

when i fully finish all of the images on the code the space will be a lot more than the arduino can hold

The IDE won't let you compile a binary image too large for the selected processor type.

well no because i dont know how to.
i found the VB.NET code on the playground for the libary but i cant get that to work in vb either

Does this have anything to do with this:

well no because i dont know how to

Time to screw your learning head on and get down to some proper study.

yes it kinda dose. il just put asmeny as i can and do it block by block

yes it kinda dose. il just put asmeny as i can and do it block by block

Again, in English, please.

il put as meny pics on 1 code at a time then change it for the rest

Have you tried any of the forums (fora?) for your native language?
Maybe they will better understand your requirements.

my language is english lol. still cant understand on how to use the files of the computer tough :frowning:

Yes, that is tough.
Why not start working through some Processing examples?
It is reasonably like Arduino, and free.