using files off the computer?

hey guys
unfortunately i do not have enough money for an sd card shield as i am saving up for a big screen.
i am planning to show lots of bmps on the screen that produce a video.
so far all of the .h conversions are over 100mb and i have more to convert.
is there a way i can get the h files to be read of the computer?

alltogether all of the files are 300mb
could these be read of the computer

You could have an application running on the PC that spooled the data to the Arduino, over the serial port. But, before we discuss how to do that, you need to explain this:

i am planning to show lots of bmps on the screen that produce a video.

Is the screen in this statement related to the screen in this statement:

unfortunately i do not have enough money for an sd card shield as i am saving up for a big screen.

If this is "big screen" as in "big screen TV", you can stop now.

There is no way the Arduino is going to show bmps on a TV in any way that resembles a video.

its not a TV its one of these

It's not a TV. It's a YouTube video. Got it.

Why are you so mean and disruptive to newbies?
You should be banned. You are not exactly being helpful making the forum useless.

You should be banned. You are not exactly being helpful making the forum useless

I disagree.
This is a cross-post anyway.
It's the the cross-posters that should be banned.
Time-wasters, the lot of the them.
Besides, PaulS has got about 500x as many posts as you - if he was as useless as you seem to think, don't you think he would have already been banned?

I agree cross posting is not the correct thing to do as it actually decreases useful answers due to disorganization.