Hello everybody!
I´m completely new with Arduino, but becoming filled with enthusiasm about using the Arduino with sensors. I have a doubt: how to get information about a hall sensor? Does any one have a link, or project that shows how can we do that? My main purpose is measure magnetic field to college experiments in physics.
thank´s if anybody have any idea about it.
See ya
There are 242 sensors listed. You want an analogue output not a digital switched output. It depends on what sort of strength of field you want to measure. Hall effect sensors are not too good for small fields. Just treat it like an analogue input.
I use hall effect sensors for magnetic flux leakage experiments in my lab.
If you are measuring large magnetic fields, I suggest a linear hall effect sensor. Allegro and Honeywell have high quality hall effect sensors (Allegro has free samples ! ).
IF you need a 2-axis sensor, checkout sparkfun
If you are trying to measure the earth's magnetic field (low levels), I suggest looking into a compass (sparkfun has a good selection)
If you are trying to measure the earth's magnetic field (low levels)
The Earth's magnetic field is a large field, at least in the Physics department I used to lecture in.
It is in the range of a hall effect sensor, that's what the electronic compasses use.
For smaller fields you need a fluxgate magnetometer. Magnetometer - Wikipedia