I would like to read out data from industrial high-precision accelerometers which should measure a microgravity quality of 10^-5 g. Is it possible to read out the data with an Arduino Uno? I know that the smallest signal an Arduino can measure is about 5mV which is probably not precise enough. Is it possible to use the I2C and connect 4 accelerometers to it for redundancy reasons?
Okay perfect! I guess I will have a problem with finding precise enough accelerometers with I2C. Most often they come with a standard coaxial cables or special low noise cables
Any accelerometer that comes with special cables is going to cost way more than an Arduino - I don't understand why you're trying to cut corners.
It's a bit like buying a high end amplifier and listening to it through cheap piezo speakers.
Thanks for the comments. I contacted a few companies to ask for an industry solution because, as you said, there is no way to get this precision with a COTS system