But I don't have the pulse sensor that article suggested, instead I just bought MAX30102 heart beat sensor module from my local store, so I want to ask is it possible to use this module instead of that little pulse sensor?
Can you tell which module you have ? Preferably with a link to where you bought it.
They are two different sensors. The PuseSensor has analog output and the MAX30102 uses a digital interface with the I2C bus.
Sparkfun sells the MAX30102 and has a library for it: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15219.
That is a good module, it has a voltage regulator and I2C level shifters. It is compatible with 5V Arduino board and 3.3V Arduino boards.
Can you connect it to the Arduino and the I2C bus ? You need to connect 4 wires.
Then run a I2C Scanner sketch.
There is one in the menu of the Arduino IDE: File / Examples / Wire / i2c_scanner
No, as long as the wires make good contact. You can press the module in a breadboard, or solder wires to it. If you use the pins, and they are not soldered yet, then you must solder them to the module.