I recently bought a mini PIR sensor to replace my ir sensors. Unfortunately once I got it I could not figure out the correct pins. Every time I connect the sensor to the pins given on the adafruit website the sensor starts getting hot and burning up. I was wondering if anyone could help.
These are the given pins -
Connect pin #1 (SENSE) to ground (most sensitive)
Connect pin #4 (OEN) to 3.3V to enable the output
Connect pin #3 (VSS) to Ground
Connect pin #4 (VDD) to 3.3V
Check signal on pin #5 (REL)
Connect pin #6 (ONTIME) to ground (on time of 2 seconds)
The pinout for the "PIR" might be different from the pinout of the "PIR breakout" (this is true for the KY-022 I.R. receiver and its Breakout board... that gets VREY hot when mis-wired... where the breakout switches all leads. If you have the breakout, follow the traces (slightly raised by the coating over the copper). Make a good map, then read the PIR datasheet.
I am using five BS612 mini-PIR sensors connected to a MKRWAN1310, and they are working OK.
These sensors are connected as you describe, except I have set pin #1 to 0.15V using two resistors, to reduce sensitivity. I also have used BS412 mini-PIR sensors in this application, and they worked OK. The BS412 does not have the functions provided by pins #1 and #4 on the BS612. I have not felt whether any of these mini-PIR sensors get hot, but I can say they have operated OK for days.