Using my Website to relay data

I have a home server that puts out fixed length ASCII stream at fixed intervals of say 1 sec.

I can view this data on any browser connected to the specific port. No problems.

But what I want to do is to be able to see this data from anywhere in the world ! So either I need to have a Static IP or use port forwarding + a service like DynDns with a subscribed host name.

Instead of this, can I send this data to a virtual server running on my "" and just serve it from there to any connected client ? It must be operating like a simple "relay-server" I know there will be latency issues but my requirement is to just view data and not do any control - in other words one way traffic.

Is this idea workable ??

AFAIK a server just sits there waiting for a request from a client - it does not "put out data at intervals". If it could the Internet would be overrun with SPAM.

With that in mind, if you have an internationally accessible server (from some web-hosting company, perhaps) you can arrange for a program running on your PC and acting as a client to send data to the server which the server could then send onwards in response to requests from other clients.

Or have I misunderstood the question?


AFAIK a server just sits there waiting for a request from a client - it does not "put out data at intervals". If it could the Internet would be overrun with SPAM.

LOL !!

And yes you have understood my question properly... and since its only a remote viewing requirement, when there are no clients requesting data , the server just ignores the received data streams from "my" Arduino server.

Looks like its possible then ?? The only catch being the online server once initiated to "relay" the received data from the Arduino server, should keep doing it till told to stop by the client.

( I am sorry ... experts on web programming might find my queries too basic ...)

I suggest you build a mock-up to explore what you want and learn how servers work. You can build a simple server on your PC in 30 minutes or so using Python and the Bottle web framework. You can also easily store incoming data in a file on your PC with Python and send that data out again to another client.

You can write other Python programs on the same PC to act as clients - or just use your browser.


Sure Robin.

Sounds good ... will check it out the way you described.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

You could also look into push server technology. It's pretty widely used.

Thanks. Will to remember to bring up the term with my App developer...