Greetings to the distinguished author of the topic.
I studied your method of working with Nextion with interest.
Being a beginner, I tried to use the library, but encountered some limitations. I want to try working directly without a library. Everything is clear to me, except for one thing: how to transfer text to Arduino? For example, the name of the file to write to the SD card. More precisely, requesting the value of a text field or variable from Arduino.
Hello Konstantin93,
welcome to the Arduino fora.
I had this moved from the tutorial as It's not clear to me that it relates to the tutorial, or if it does then I don't see how.
I don't understand what you are asking.
How to transfer text to Arduino?
What text? From where? Why?
For example, the name of the file to write to the SD card.
Do you mean the SD card used to upload the Nextion configuration? Or some other SD card? What are you really trying to do?
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Thank you.
Thanks for the answer, Perry)
Initially, I asked the question exactly in your topic(Using Nextion displays with Arduino - Displays - Arduino Forum),
but for some reason it was singled out as a separate topic, so the essence of the question became not entirely clear.
I am interested in creating an arbitrary file with an array of my data on an SD card, i.e. request it`s name from a text box. I don’t understand how to make a command like getText.
Your method greatly facilitates the work with the screen and significantly reduces the size of the program, increasing the speed of work!
Thanks for the answer, Perry)
Initially, I asked the question exactly in your topic(Using Nextion displays with Arduino - Displays - Arduino Forum),
but for some reason it was singled out as a separate topic, so the essence of the question became not entirely clear.
I know, I had it moved because it didn't appear to be about the tutorial. I still don't think it is about the tutorial.
There are instructions in the Nextion instruction set for file handling on an Advanced Nextion, but I have not used them. I don't have an Advanced Nextion, so cannot experiment with them or offer any advice, sorry.