Using Peltiers to cool fermentation process

Hi Forum.

In order to keep cider in the correct temperature span, I wish to use a series of 4 peltiers. The peltier each have 12V 6A (TEC1-12706). I wish to use a mosfet in order to switch and amplify the power, but I am not sure which one I need. Any suggestions?

Best Regards
Søren Svendsen.

You need a logic level (I assume you want to switch with a 5V signal from an Arduino) n-channel MOSFET that can handle the current comfortably, and hat has a low enough on resistance to stay cool at 6A.

Common ones include the IRL540 and IRLZ44N, but there are dozens more that will fit the bill.

I am not a brewer, but I have to wonder if, after you get all the necessary heat sinks and fans and such all together and working, would it not be easier to just add the heat sinks and fans to the container?


Each Peltier element can remove heat at a rate of around 60-70 Watts (which is not much), and requires a good heat sink and fan to do so.

From the volume of liquid (assume heat capacity of water) and the cooling rate, you can work out the power required to cool your brew mixture. For example, to cool 1 liter of water by 5 C in 10 minutes requires removal of 20930 Joules of heat (35 Watts for 10 minutes). Calculator at Specific Heat

Don't forget to add in the heat that will flow into the container from the surroundings, unless it is well insulated.