Using Process.runShellCommand to start Python Program

Hi all --
I'm trying to start a python program on the Linino from the Arduino. This is what I've got:

Arduino Code

#include <Process.h>

void setup() {
  Bridge.begin();   // Initialize the Bridge
  Serial.begin(9600);   // Initialize the Serial

  Process p;

  // do nothing until the process finishes, so you get the whole output:
  while (p.running()){ ; }

  while (p.available()) { ; }

void loop() { }

On the Linino, in a file called in /root:

python /root/

On the Linino, in a file called in /root:

import os
os.system('touch /root/touched')

When I run

$ /root/

in the terminal, a file in /root named touched successfully gets created. However, when I run this from the Arduino, no file gets created. What am I doing wrong?

Perhaps this is related to some other issues I observed with runShellCommand, here: Process.runShellCommand - Shell program executed repeatedly - Arduino Yún - Arduino Forum

Thanks a bunch!

Arduino code:

// Serial.begin(9600);   // Initialize the Serial

Set permission:

chmod 755

I found no problem at your code. It works for me.