Using PS2 Analogs as a controller (removed but still on analog board)

I am working on using a ps2 controller to control my rover robot, but all i need is the analogs and not the buttons so i have removed most components except for the joysticks and its board, see the picture attatchment. I am aware of the sparkfun breakout board for the ps2 joysticks which i am considering buying b/c their square shape they wont fit propperly into the controller.

I would like to connect to the Joystick Board of a Wireless "Icon" PS2 Controller. I have all the connections figured out accept for AD which connects to 2 pins on each of the potentiometers of both joysticks. (2 Left) my problem with it is the wiring is unlike a normal ps2 analog:

The 2 pins are side by side pins, normally the 2 outside are GND and 5v while the middle (not outside right) is the X/Y Analog pins. Having the 2 outside ones could indicate some complex power source with the Icon Controller. I am really curious how the connection works with the AD pin, specially since V+ is actually 5v coming out of it, VM is power to the vibration if the switch is on (mine didn't come with vibration so it and the switch are empty) and the 2 GND's connect to each other via the wire beside the ports.

Also notice (if the picture is clear enough) RX (right horizontal) is said twice and no RY is wrote meanning one is RX and the other is RY, but it was printed wrong.

VM useless without vibration-
G- - GND is connected to the other GND (the main GND attached to the battery)

AD - ?
L3 - button when clicked ----> Digital Port (input)
LY - Left Vertical -----> Analog port
LX - Left Horizontal ---> Analog port
RX - (Right) Either Horizontal or Vertical -------> Analog Port
RX - (Right) Either Horizontal or Vertical -------> Analog Port
R3 - Right Button ------> Digital Port (input)
V+ - 5v output (probably went to power the rest of the controller and then came back through GND)
G- - GND the main ground that connects straight to the batteries ground wire[/table]

if I can't connect to this i am not sure if it will work with the board shown earlier since the connections are different from normal (Sony might make them the same as the board),

Anyone know the connection type, i thought about using analogWrite(AD,255) and then a analogRead(RX) and see if the values changed as the analog moves, but i don't want to keep soldering an unsoldering to the board it's to much work and i could wreck it one of these times. If you guys got an idea how this joystick works i will greatly appreciate it.

here are some more pictures of the board, thanks in advance