Using PubSubClient with Ethernet shield

if the wire is on io 0 then it is ok

Yes but I am still getting the issue where the W5500 is unable to connect

Did they move the SS pin between rev 1 and 2?

Well I can confirm that they did not.

I am not sure what the issue it.

I tried initializing all of the associated pins to logic high and then have the controller go into an infinite while loop. Everything that should be high is. It does not make sense why the ESP32 is unable to communicate with the Ethernet chip. By all accounts this should be working

Is it possible that I have a board the is no good?

maybe show as a good photo of your wiring

Everything is on a PCB so there is no wiring. The PCB is connected as the schematic is shown above

There is now a pull request up with a patch to allow setup of frameworkarduinoespressif32-libs, i.e. that will fix the KeyError. Support Arduino ESP32 alpha v3.0.0 based on ESP-IDF v5.1 by sgryphon · Pull Request #1281 · platformio/platform-espressif32 · GitHub

However, there are a bunch of breaking changes in alpha 3.0.0, so your code might not even compile with the new package ... but this will at least allow you to get to that step.

... also, Espressif are not dropping support for PlatformIO (Espressif doesn't even own the integration library, which is a platformio project, as per the above PR link), see: PlatformIO - ESP32 - — ESP-IDF Programming Guide latest documentation

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