Using Rc522 as an input for an Access form


I'd like to use the Rc522 rfid as a source of data for an Access form. In other words, I want somehow to read the rfid card and print that number in an Access form in order to display certain data depending on the rfid number.

I'm open to any options to accomplish this.

I heard Access could constantly read a .txt file. Is it possible for Arduino to write a txt with the present rfid number everytime the Rc522 reads a different number?

Other questions.

Can it read written 13.56 cards?
Can it also write 13.56?

If this is not possible with Arduino, do you any other way I could do it with a USB rfid reader?

Thanks in advance!


Please don't waste time looking for this thread's twin - I deleted it.

Do not cross-post, cross-posting wastes time.

Most of the above appears to be possible, as long as you have

  • A device with a MFRC522 chip which is accessible by the Arduino. They're easily found at places like Adafruit or on ebay
  • Some method of sending data to your access database (serial or WiFi)
    Adafruit has some docs and example code for their products. Use those as a start for your project/
    Most MFRC522 based breakouts/shields work with 13.56MHz cards
    If you want the Arduino to send data directly to a text file, you will need to write some code on the PC to receive the number and write that number to a text file, or have some sort of web server running on the PC which will do the same.
    How it is done will depend on how you communicate with the PC. Using serial you'll have to write a program (or batch file) to monitor the serial port and transfer the data.
    If you use WiFi or Ethernet you can set up a server, and POST the data to a page. The server can then write the data to a text file.
    I do not know if access monitors a file, or a folder. You'll have to determine that fact for yourself.