Hi, I'm begginer in electronic and I connected a dc motor and a led to digital pins in PWM mode of the arduino board without a resistance (I connceted them directly), I want to know if do that is damaging for the arduino board or only is bad for the Led or the motor that use 5v, for that I think that the motor don't need a resistance. It's true?
You damaging arduino. Use resistors with leds, for motor you need transistor.
.... for motor you need transistor.
And a diode to take care of the back emf when the motor stops, as explained here.
Hi, I'm begginer in electronic and I connected a dc motor and a led to digital pins in PWM mode of the arduino board without a resistance (I connceted them directly), I want to know if do that is damaging for the arduino board or only is bad for the Led or the motor that use 5v, for that I think that the motor don't need a resistance. It's true?
See here: http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Main/InterfacingWithHardware#Physical_Mechanical