Using Seeeduino cloud board coding- help needed!

Hello everyone! :slight_smile:

I am creating a vape sensor for a school project... like a smoke detector but for vapes using the Gas Sensor and HCHO sensor. When the level of HCHO reaches 7 ppm, I want it to go off. Here is my code:

2021_SensorExample.ino (4.1 KB)

I am getting the following error message:
Arduino: 1.8.13 (Windows 10), Board: "Seeeduino Wio Terminal, Master, Enabled, 120 MHz (standard), Small (-Os) (standard), 50 MHz (standard), Arduino, Off, On"

C:\Users\126939\Desktop\Fab Lab\Vape Sensor\2021_Seeed_SensorsExample\2021_SensorExample\2021_SensorExample.ino: In function 'double Get_HCH0()':

2021_SensorExample:32:10: error: 'ppm' was not declared in this scope

return ppm(0.5)


C:\Users\126939\Desktop\Fab Lab\Vape Sensor\2021_Seeed_SensorsExample\2021_SensorExample\2021_SensorExample.ino:32:10: note: suggested alternative: 'pwm'

return ppm(0.5)



2021_SensorExample:33:1: error: expected ';' before '}' token



exit status 1

'ppm' was not declared in this scope

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I am very new to this. Thank you all so much! =)

You will get more help if you post your code here rather than a link to somewhere...

Please share a link to where you copied this code from.

I actually was able to have an employee of Seeed write this code for me because originally the project was for my whle club and not just me.

Thank you so much!!

Oh, I'm sorry...from what I read the preferred method was to insert the file. I'll post it here. Apologies.

/* Air quality station example.
 *  Seeed Inc
 *  By: Mario De Los Santos
 *  Date: April 2021
 *  Consider the board to use, this example was done using 
 *  Arduino UNO
 *  Version: 1.0
#include <math.h> //We need some math operations in the code
#include <Wire.h> //I2C Library
#include "MutichannelGasSensor.h"

//Sensors port definitions
//Note: The Multichannel Sensor doesnt need to be declared here, it is I2C
#define MQ3 A0
#define R0_MQ3 -0.02 //Note:Please run the calibrarion MQ3 code before to use this code//define calibration value for MQ3 here

#define HCHO A2 //Note:Please run the calibrarion HCH0 code before to use this code
//From that calibrarion you need to get the R0 value printed
#define Vc 4.95
#define R0_HCH0 -0.02 //Edit this to you own calibration value from the calibration code HCH0

double Get_HCH0(){ //Just call the function to get the value
  int sensorvalue = analogRead(HCHO);
  double Rs = (1023.0/sensorvalue)-1;

 delay(500); //Adjust this value to your application
  return ppm(0.5)
float Get_GasRatio_MQ3()
    float sensor_volt;
    float RS_gas; // Get value of RS in a GAS
    int sensorValue = analogRead(MQ3);
    RS_gas = (5.0-sensor_volt)/sensor_volt;
    return RS_gas;
float Get_ratio_MQ3(float RS_gas)
  float ratio = RS_gas/R0_MQ3;

  return ratio;
void Multichannel_init()
    gas.begin(0x04);//the default I2C address of the slave is 0x04
    Serial.print("Firmware Version = ");
void Multichannel_Data_generation()
//This is going to print the values, if you want to handlee it
//You need to extract the variable C and send whatever you need
  float c;
    c = gas.measure_NH3();
    Serial.print("The concentration of NH3 is ");
    if(c>=0) Serial.print(c);
    else Serial.print("invalid");
    Serial.println(" ppm");
    c = gas.measure_CO();
    Serial.print("The concentration of CO is ");
    if(c>=0) Serial.print(c);
    else Serial.print("invalid");
    Serial.println(" ppm");
    c = gas.measure_NO2();
    Serial.print("The concentration of NO2 is ");
    if(c>=0) Serial.print(c);
    else Serial.print("invalid");
    Serial.println(" ppm");
    c = gas.measure_C3H8();
    Serial.print("The concentration of C3H8 is ");
    if(c>=0) Serial.print(c);
    else Serial.print("invalid");
    Serial.println(" ppm");
    c = gas.measure_C4H10();
    Serial.print("The concentration of C4H10 is ");
    if(c>=0) Serial.print(c);
    else Serial.print("invalid");
    Serial.println(" ppm");
    c = gas.measure_CH4();
    Serial.print("The concentration of CH4 is ");
    if(c>=0) Serial.print(c);
    else Serial.print("invalid");
    Serial.println(" ppm");
    c = gas.measure_H2();
    Serial.print("The concentration of H2 is ");
    if(c>=0) Serial.print(c);
    else Serial.print("invalid");
    Serial.println(" ppm");
    c = gas.measure_C2H5OH();
    Serial.print("The concentration of C2H5OH is ");
    if(c>=0) Serial.print(c);
    else Serial.print("invalid");
    Serial.println(" ppm");
void setup() {

//You just need to get focus in this part, the functions works alone, the data handle is
//what you need
void loop() {
  double HCH0_sensor = Get_HCH0();
  Serial.print("HCH0 ppm = ");
  float MQ3_sensor = Get_GasRatio_MQ3();
  Serial.print("MQ3 Gas ratio = ");
  float MQ3_ratio = Get_ratio_MQ3(MQ3_sensor);
  Serial.print("MQ3 ratio = ");

  Multichannel_Data_generation(); //Print the values from the Multichannel


I am really just trying to make sense of this code. Thank you so much to anyone who has already helped me... I am very new to this but I am trying to follow the forum rules to the best of my ability.

You code does not contain a function called 'ppm' If you look at the tutorial for that sensor: Grove - HCHO Sensor - Seeed Wiki, they discuss how you would turn these raw sensor readings into a ratio and then how to turn them into actual ppm.

For starters, you could just display the raw values like the tutorial does.

Thank you so much! I'll check that out. =)

Hello again...

I have worked through the tutorials for both the Grove- HCHO Sensor and MQ3 Gas Sensor v1.5 and am displaying values for them. I have opened the Serial Monitor and have had no problems with the code. I do have one more question- are the values displayed in the serial monitor cumulative between both sensors? By values I really mean ratios. I have attached a screenshot of what I am getting:

Screenshot (7)|690x387

Thank you so much! I am so excited about where my project is going.!

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