I'm working on a sketch that uses the MPU-6050, a Hall Switch, and a Sainsmart MicroSD card interface. The SD uses SPI. I need both pins 2 & 3 for separate interrupts for the Hall Switch and MPU-6050 respectively.
The above documentation says I can use pin 13 or 3 for SCK. I'm confused as to whether or not I can actually just use pin 13 for SCK and what I need to do for the SD library instead of using pin 3 for SD.
The Hall Switch monitors a rotor and I have a working interrupt handler attached to pin 2 for this. The MPU-6050 seems to need an interrupt also which I can attach to pin 3 for notification that it has data ready for reading as I will be using the DMP and the example sketch uses the interrupt line. I also need to log data to the SD card.
I'm developing on the Arduino UNO but will be using the Arduino Nano to run on the instrument with the rotor that will be monitored by the Hall Switch.
Is this possible? If so, do I need to do anything to tell the SPI library that SCK is on pin 13 and not 3?