Using Tamiya Twin Motor Set

at the moment I'm planning to build my first robot, using the Tamiya Twin Motors ( with wheels and tracks and a DRV8833 Dual Motor Driver Carrier ( Pololu - DRV8833 Dual Motor Driver Carrier). I'm using an Arduino Uno R3-SMD. My question is: can I control the two motors in the gearbox separately? Like when I'm using them for a differential drive?

Cheers, Chris

Easily, but there are two version of the gearbox, one version has a single shaft powered by both motors, the other version has two independent shafts - if you have the second version, the Arduino is very good at sending different signals to two motors and whatever other inputs/outputs you want to add, heres my RC Robot using the same gearbox -

Duane B

Wow, thank you very much for the information with independent spinning. As I want to control them independent, I'll switch to the 70168 model described in your article. There's no problem in controlling the motors with the DRV8833 Carrier, so I won't need any motor shield, will I? (I'm a little broke ^^)
Nice robot by the way, but for the basic robotics I'll stick to controlling it only with code, without RC.

Cheers, Chris

As far as I know motor sheilds are just the L293D Chip in a nicer more expensive package.

Duane B

Okay, thank you, that's good to know - also for the future.
