My kid and I had the idea to make a little annoying thing that would record a short voice sample and then play it back every time the button was pressed.
I thought this would be a fun project to try and learn some Arduino programming on, being a complete newcomer to this sort of thing, my coding experience doesn't run much further than copying and pasting code and messing with values.
I hoped that approach would get me a lot further than it has.
I started with this guide as a basis
This has loading a sample in to some SPI flash memory using an Uno then play it back with the trinket.
So this has some of the elements I want:
- it has SPI flash,
- it's playing back and audio file with the trinket,
- it uses pin4 for PWM output as spi is using pin 0, 1 and 2
Great, I dont want to use an UNO to get audio on the memory and move chips around, so i'm ignoring that bit.
Now what I need is some way to record audio wavs with the trinket and write it to the flash memory, I guess I would also need to use PIN 4 as PWM in, this isn't too bad an idea and means that I could actually use the speaker as a microphone perhaps.
So far I've not found anyone that has tried to do this before and shared their work, so this is where I'm stuck.
Does anyone have any pointers on where we should look next?