Using the Arduino Yun with the Arduino Uno Starter kit?

I receveid an Arduino Uno starter kit as an Xmas present from my wife this year, and was thinking of now getting an Arduino Yun.

My question is .... is it possible for me to swap out the Uno for the Yun in my starter kit, where the Uno is mounted down with screws and placed next to a breadboard ... allowing me to use all of the Uno starter kit's electronics and jumper wires to create projects? Or is the Yun a different size (meaning that it wouldn't fit)? Or are the I/O pins on the Yun wired differently than those on the Uno?


  • Yvan

So .. I read the article (thank you), but I still can't tell if the answer is yes or no. In one paragraph it says that the Yun has the same footprint as the Uno, .. but in another paragraph it says that it has the same I/O pin layout as the Leonardo (which I am not familiar with).

So does this mean that the Yun is the exact same size and shape of the Uno (meaning that I could easily swap it out in my starter kit)? And is the Leonardo I/O pin layout the same as the Uno's?

  • Yvan

So does this mean that the Yun is the exact same size and shape of the Uno (meaning that I could easily swap it out in my starter kit)? And is the Leonardo I/O pin layout the same as the Uno's?

Yes and yes. Pinouts don't really matter though, as you will be using flexible wires to connect the board to the circuit board.

The shape and pinouts of the Leonardo and the Yún are discussed in this thread.