using the vernier sensor interface shield

I was receiving some error messages with my code that I wasn't sure how to fix. Here is the code that I used.The error message was 'ThermistorPin' was not declared in this scope.

VernierThermistor (v 2013.11)
Reads the temperature from a Vernier Stainless Steel Temperature Probe (TMP-BTA)
or Surface Temperature Sensor (STS-BTA) connected to the BTA connector. 
As written, the readings will be displayed every half second. Change the variable 
TimeBetweenReadings to change the rate.

We use the Steinhart-Hart equation (in the function Thermistor) to determine temperature 
from the raw A/D converter reading. Because of the use of log functions, in the Steinhart-Hart 
equation, this sketch requires the math.h library. 

for more information on how thermistors are read.

Modifications by B. Huang (Feb 2014)
Removed the use of delays in the loop() function. Uses a timeRef variable
Added a variable called dataRate. dataRate describes the # of samples per second.
Added separate functions for calculating the resistance of the thermistor and then applying the
Steinhart-hart equation.

See for more information.

float dataRate = 2;             // set # of samples per second.
const char delimiter = '\t';  // delimitter character

const int ThermistorPIN = A0; // A0 for Analog1 and A2 for Analog 2
float Temp;
int rawAnalogReading;

// Variables used in the code for calculations
unsigned long timeRef;    // reference for starting time

unsigned long timeInterval;
unsigned long ndx;        // index for data counter
unsigned long thermistor;

void setup() 
 Serial.println("Vernier Format 2");
 Serial.println("Temperature Readings taken using Ardunio");
 Serial.println("Data Set");
 Serial.print("\t"); //tab character
 Serial.println ("Temperature"); 
 Serial.print("\t"); // tab character
 Serial.println ("degrees C"); 
 timeInterval = 1000 / dataRate;  // calculates the timeInterval based on # of samples per second.
 timeRef = millis();

void loop() 
 if ((millis()) >= ndx*timeInterval + timeRef)  // controls so only runs once per timeInterval
   //the print below does the division first to avoid overflows
   Serial.print((float)(millis() - timeRef) / 1000, 2); 
   rawAnalogReading = analogRead(ThermistorPIN);  // reads raw analog value from Arduino
   thermistor = resistance(rawAnalogReading);     // converts raw analog value to a resistance
   Temp = steinharthart(thermistor);              // Applies the Steinhart-hart equation

   Serial.print(delimiter); //tab character
   Serial.println(Temp,1);   // display temperature to one digit                                
unsigned long resistance(unsigned long rawAnalogInput)
/* function to convert the raw Analog Input reading to a resistance value    
* Schematic:
*   [Ground] -- [thermistor] -------- | -- [15,000 ohm bridge resistor] --[Vcc (5v)]
*                                     |
*                                Analog Pin 0
* For the circuit above:
* Resistance = ((rawAnalogInput*15000) /(1023 - rawAnalogInput))
 unsigned long temp;  // temporary variable to store calculations in
 temp = (rawAnalogInput * 15000) / (1023 - rawAnalogInput);
 return temp; // returns the value calculated to the calling function.

float steinharthart(unsigned long resistance)
// function users steinhart-hart equation to return a temperature in degrees celsius. 
/* Inputs ADC count from Thermistor and outputs Temperature in Celsius
* There is a huge amount of information on the web about using thermistors with the Arduino.
* Here we are concerned about using the Vernier Stainless Steel Temperature Probe TMP-BTA and the 
* Vernier Surface Temperature Probe STS-BTA, but the general principles are easy to extend to other
* thermistors.
* This version utilizes the Steinhart-Hart Thermistor Equation:
*    Temperature in Kelvin = 1 / {A + B[ln(R)] + C[ln(R)]^3}
*   for the themistor in the Vernier TMP-BTA probe:
*    A =0.00102119 , B = 0.000222468 and C = 1.33342E-7
*    Using these values should get agreement within 1 degree C to the same probe used with one
*    of the Vernier interfaces
 float temp; // temporary variable to store calculations in
 float logRes = log(resistance); 
 // calculating logirithms is time consuming for a microcontroller - so we just
 // do this once and store it to a variable.
 float k0 = 0.00102119;
 float k1 = 0.000222468;
 float k2 = 0.000000133342; 

 temp = 1 / (k0 + k1 * logRes + k2 * logRes*logRes*logRes);
 temp = temp - 273.15;  // convert from Kelvin to Celsius 
 return temp;

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