Using the XBee pin's with AT command Arduino Supplied

I have two Arduino's connected with XBee's and with a logical level converters at each XBee end now i want to supply an AT command from one arduino to another arduino with an XBee talking and want to make that receiving XBee's PIN high low, what would be the possible AT command for it, i just need one pin to be able to be toggled on and off to fetch the interrupt pin#2 on the Receiving arduino?

I'm just looking to turn on/off a XBEE i/o pin on the receiving XBee.

You have two choices. You can use Remote AT commands (see "Remote Command Response" in the Product Manual or check "Remote AT Command Request" on page 135 of my book*). Otherwise you could use pin pairing which I call "XBee Direct" so that bringing one pin HIGH on a local XBee causes the matching ping to follow it on a remote XBee:


I was able to connect to the Remote xbee and able to toggle remote xbee pins from the Base xbee pins here>>,111040.0.html
but the problem has been that i can do the same using the X-CTU terminal commands like:


and it works with X-CTU terminal

BUT if i do the same in other terminal the pins do not toggle ,BASICALLY I WANT TO DO IN THE ARDUINO IDE I MEAN IN THE CODE so that i have to put it in the code the same AT commands and toggle PIN's.