I am able to blink LED 1 sec on, 1sec off with below code. I would like to keep the LED on only for i.e. 50ms. How to achieve this?
1. What is the meaning of 'blink LED'?
'Blink of LED' consists of 4 events: (a) 'LED ON', (b) 'remain ON for a while', (c) 'LED OFF'. and (d) 'remain OFF for a while'. When these events are mapped against time axis, we get the following line diagram:
Figure-1: Events that form a Blink
In Fig-1, we will say that the LED is blinking at '1-sec interval' when the 'ON-period + OFF-period' is equal to 1-sec.
2. Do you want to implement the events of Fig-1 using TC1 (Timer/Counter Module 1) of the MCU where the On-period is 50 ms and the OFF-period is also 50 ms? We will be blinking L (built-in LED of UNO) at 100 ms interval.
(1) Be familiar with the structure/architecture of TC1 as Timer/Counter (L circuit is added/shown as an extra)
Figure-2: Structure/architecture of TC1 as Timer/Counter
(2) TC1 is said to be working as a 'Timer 1' when its receives the clocking/counting pulses (clkTC1) from the 16 MHz oscillator via these two clock dividers: 'System clock prescaler' and 'TC1 clock prescaler'; where the 'division factor' of the former is fixed at /1 by Arduino (divide by 1) and the 'division factor' of the later is to be set by the user as needed. TCNT1 stands for 'Timer/Counter Register 1', and it is the 'software name' for TC1; TOV1 stands for 'Timer/Counter 1 overflow flag'. Please, consult the data sheets to get the meanings of the remaining symbolic names (like CLKRR, TOIE1, etc.) used in Fig-2.
(3) Configure/initialize TC1 in such a way so that TOV1 flag gets activated (Logic High is the active state) at every 50 ms. This flag will help you to change the states of L (built-in LED of UNO) from ON to OFF and vice versa. The procedures are:
(a) Configure TC1 as 'Normal Up Counter' and keep it at 'OFF' condition with the help of TCCR1A and TCCR1B Registers (see data sheets).
TCCR1A = 0x00;
TCCR1B = 0x00;
(b) Assume clkTC1 = 16 MHz/256 (62500); calculate pre-set (n) value for TCNT1 so that TOV1 flag becomes active after counting k (known figure) number of clkTC1 pulses which is equivalent to the elapsed time of 50 ms.
0x10000 (overflow condition/count of TC1) = n + k
==> 0x10000 (overflow condition of TC1 = n + 62500*50*10[sup]-3[/sup]
==> n = 0x10000 - 3125 = 0x10000 - 0x0C35
==> n = 0xF3CB
(c) Load the value of n into TCNT1.
TCNT1 = 0xF3CB;
(d) Start TC1 with this frequency: 62500 Hz with the help of TCCR1B Register (see data sheets).
TCCR1B = 0x04;
3. The codes are:
void setup()
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(13, LOW); //L is OFF
TCCR1A = 0x00;
TCCR1B = 0x00;
TCNT1 = 0xF3CB; //pre-set value at clkTC1 = 16 MHz/256
TCCR1B = 0x04; //TC1 is running
void loop()
while(bitRead(TIFR1, 0) !=HIGH) //checking if TOV1 flag is acive; see data sheets for TIFR1 Register
; //wait until TOV1 becomes active at the elapse of 50 ms time
bitClear(TIFR1, 0); //clear TOV1 flag
TCNT1 = 0xF3CB; //reload pre-set value
digitalWrite(13, !digitalRead(13)); //L is OFF --> ON ---> OFF ----
BTW: To be sure that the program is working, make a visible affect of the result by changing the blink interval time to 2-sec (1-sec ON-period + 1-sec OFF-period).