Want to build smart thermostat using a Chinese 1,28" knob display based on ESP32-C3 and a TSic 506F TO92 temperature sensor.
I have access just to an I/O pin (not sure yet which one), 5V and GND.
The TSic 506F is known for working best from 5V (if 3.3V needed it should be recalibrated from factroy which might involve considerable costs, so not recommended), but ESP32 accepts input up to 3.3V on GPIO pins (as far as I know).
However I"ve read from many sources that interfacing 506F to ESP32 is pretty simple, “no pull-up resistors or additional components are needed”.
Do I miss something? If I was right, would a simple resistive splitter help? Or do I need cost- and space-intensive active level shifter?
UPDATE: GPIO3 is available GPIO pin. No access to the internal 3.3V.
Well, if I wanted reduced accuracy I'd use much more accessible sensors, not this expensive one.
The other problem is that I have no access to 3.3V.
Pins I have access to:
(I assume the last pins are for communicatiing through USB.)
By the way, don't understand why a such trivial, pure resisitive splitter won't be enough. As far as I know the communication from 506F to ESP32 is unidirectional.
Such a divider is very commonly used, but the resistances are typically about 1K and 2K, to lessen the RC rounding of signal edges. That will work only if the sensor output is capable of driving 3K without voltage droop.
The input pins on ESP32 (or any other Arduino boards) usually have reasonably high input impedance thus thie driving current is almost negligible. Does it have that that big capacitance so that the digital signal might distort in a way to become unusable? 2.5K is a lot, it means 2 mA constant consumption.
If you want to use a voltage divider as a logic level converter, the question is whether the sensor output can drive a low enough impedance, to avoid output signal distortion by load capacitance.
To decide that, you must also know and take into account the sensor output data rate.
What is the communications protocol? Have you ever used this sensor successfully, on any platform?
Yes, there is a complete library already available.
I have some unused Arduino Nano controllers (classic 5V version), it might be indeed a good place to try.