Hi, foremost please forgive my ignorance on the topic I'm rather new to arduino hardware, (please note due to the confidentiality of the university project, I am unable to provide much in terms of media and code to assist, I know this can be a problem so i will try to explain as much as possible)
I currently have an arduino mega set up to process live data of a drilling rig using a load cell to detect when the drilling needs to stop (based on a certain loads the drilling should stop), I am looking to output certain variables onto an appropriately sized screen (live feed, board rate is 9600 I think), however, due to the precision of the current system, I am unable to print from the current arduino without causing too much of a delay in the system loop which could result in too large of a drilling displacement (sensitive as it is for a neurosurgical application),
my first thought is too use a second arduino and implement a TFT touch screen for various inputs with a live feed of outputs which would solve the problem,
the main obstacle I have encountered is the use of a second arduino would still require a transfer of live data from the current arduino to the new one, this still presents a problem of slowing down the loop that checks force detection on the current system via the data transfer (not sure if it is a problem or wouldn't present too much of a delay),
the next thought is to wire the inputs and mechanical system outputs to the second arduino also and run it as a sort of separate system from the first,
I'm concerned the TFT screen takes up too much real estate and won't allow me to wire up the appropriate inputs for the system as they are hidden under the screen, is there a way around this, and if I connect the inputs to both arduinos what are the resulting problems faced?
I am open to any other suggestions on how to tackle this solution.....
apologies it's a bit long winded and difficult to understand given you haven't seen the system, any help would be greatly appreciated.