Using two different types of sensors at the same time

Hi, I'm very new to electronics and have been trying to read more about arduino and general electronics whenever I have time. Right now I am trying to use a flex sensor to control one small servo motor and a FSR to control another servo while both plugged into my Arduino UNO. I can get each one to work on its own, but when I try to run the code for both of them at the same time, nothing happens. I was also wondering if it's possible to use both sensors at the same time for one servo? Is it possible to have the flex sensor move the servo in one direction and have the FSR move it in the opposite direction? I know the servo always rotates back to its starting position after the sensor stops being flexed or pushed, but could I have the servo hold it's position if I let go of the sensor? Could anyone help with this? I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

If you want help with your code, you should post your code.
And a diagram, showing how you have connected things.
I assume things have changed since this post.

Microcontrollers don't run things 'at the same time' - just swap between doing things fast enough that you don't notice.

As Leo says, with more details we may be able to be more helpful
