Using two RFID (RDM6300) for making a overspeed detection circuit using Arduino


Lately I've been working onna project to make a simple overspeeding detecting circuit by using two RDM6300 RFID readers, spaced at a considerable distance. It basically has to detect the overspeeding of an RFID tag (*CAR) by determining the time difference in passing in between the two readers. if the time delay is less than a considerable period, overspeeding is detected.

But i really cant make the programme to work. I tried using multiple codes and versions but still at loss... can someone help??? PLease???



can someone help??? PLease???

How? I cannot see any of your code and we don't have any information about your hardware setup except the RFID readers used.

I also have some doubts about the feasibility. The transfer of a read ID needs about 15ms. In this time period a human being moves about 2.5cm while walking. In what distance are your readers installed? What accuracy do you expect from that setup? Did you check if the reader actually can scan an ID moving by at the expected speed?