can you use two serial ports at the same time? for example say I have two boards and I want them to communicate with each other and I have serial1 read in information and have serial2 just send information (on one board and vice versa on the other board it communicates with), is it possible to have serial1 read at the same time serial2 is writting to another board?
This is using the Mega
can you use two serial ports at the same time? for example say I have two boards and I want them to communicate with each other and I have serial1 read in information and have serial2 just send information (on one board and vice versa on the other board it communicates with), is it possible to have serial1 read at the same time serial2 is writting to another board?
This is using the Mega
Yes, each Serial port on the Mega is independent. Each port has 63byte input and output buffers, as long as you can read the buffers faster than they are filled you will not loose any data due to overwrites.
Thanks so much, I'm not going to be writting in a loop so I don't think they would read slower than they are filled!