Using two serials with wireless shields


I know the official wireless shield (xbee) is connected to the first port of ATmega328P (PD[0..1]). This is the same port where is connected the ATmega16 for USB connection.
Obiouvsly, if we want communicate to the xbee and send data to the pc at the same time we can't.

Well, I don't know why they don't put the xbee serial on other pins :slight_smile:
Anyway, the only way to the the things work is to hack the PCB and move a couple of traces.

My question: do you all do this hack?

My suggestion: provide a simpler way to change the "USB" serial pins on Arduino board (eg. 0-ohm resistors)

I know the official wireless shield (xbee) is connected to the first port of ATmega328P (PD[0..1]). This is the same port where is connected the ATmega16 for USB connection.
Obiouvsly, if we want communicate to the xbee and send data to the pc at the same time we can't.

Not using that shield, with no other hardware, you can't.

Sparkfun sells a much better shield that allows you to switch which pins the XBee is connected to - 0 and 1 in one position, 2 and 3 in the other position.

You could use an FTDI cable to connect to two pins, like 2 and 3, and use SoftwareSerial to talk to the PC via those pins and the FTDI cable.

eg. 0-ohm resistors

They sell them by the spool at Radio Shack. They are called wires.

Unfortunately, I've already bought some official wireless shields. So I hacked the PCB and put the xbee serial on pin 3 and 4.
I don't understand your second answer. I'm talking about solder jumpers (or similar) to get Arduino board more flexibile. At least with official shields.

I don't understand your second answer. I'm talking about solder jumpers (or similar) to get Arduino board more flexibile. At least with official shields.

You suggested a 0 Ohm resistor. What is that if it isn't just a wire?

Wires connect two fixed points and it's hard to change them on a PCB.
Using 0 ohm resistors you can easily change the route of your signals. It's a cheaper (and smaller) alternative to jumpers.