Using Tx/Rx pins simultaneously as data and clock pins, respectively


I am writing library for the HC-05 Bluetooth modle that is heavily dependant on the SoftwareSerial library. I came across a problem trying to seperate bytes and then transmit them. I found the shiftIn() function, and now I am wondering if I can use the Tx/Rx pins as the data and clock pins for that. (Tx as data and Rx as clock)

here is the code, so far:

#ifdef HelioHC05_h
#define HelioHCO5_h
  #define maxSpeedBaud 57600
  #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
  #include "Arduino.h"
  class HELIOHC05 {
      HELIOHC05(int TxPin, int RxPin);
      void begin(long baudRate);
      void sendPackage(size_t packageS, sizeof(size_t packageS));
      void recievePackage(size_t packageR, sizeof(size_t packageR));
      void checkConnStat(bool connState);
      void checkIfBlockage(bool blockState);
      void acknowlege();
      void listen();
      void speak();
      void sendByte(byte bytePackS, sizeof(byte bytePackS));
      void recieveByte(byte bytePackR, sizeof(byte bytePackR));
      int _TxPin;
      int _RxPin;
      long _baudRate;
      size_t _packageS;
      size_t _packageR;
      bool _connState;
      bool _blockState;
      byte _bytePackS;
      byte _bytePackR

  HELIOHC05 :: HELIOHC05(int TxPin, int RxPin){
  SoftwareSerial BLE(TxPin, RxPin);
  _TxPin = TxPin;
  _RxPin = RxPin;
  HELIOHC05 :: begin(long baudRate){
    if (baudRate > maxBaudRate){
      return NULL;
  _baudRate = baudRate;
  HELIOHC05 :: sendPackage(size_t packageS, sizeof(packageS)){
    if (sizeof(packageS) = 1){
    if (sizeof(packageS) = 2){
  void getByte(int numberOfByte){
    pinMode(RxPin, OUTPUT);
    byte highByte = shiftIn(TxPin)

What exactly is the problem you are trying to solve?

BTW... you should probably be using the comparison operator (==) in the statements below...

Well... I looked at the serial documentation and found that you can really only send one byte at a time. I want to be able to send multiple bytes at a time with one command.

There is nothing stopping you from sending multiple bytes... ?

Serial.println("abcde") sends multiple bytes. They are sent one after the other, but that's what you would expect isn't it?

BTW... I have found the maximum reliable baud rate for Software Serial is 38400.

Thank you!

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