Using Ultrasonic Sensors for NDT

Hello all,

This is my first Arduino project and I would like to use Arduino Uno to transmit and receive Ultrasonic waves of around 10MHz central frequency to detect material losses in steels. I am thinking of using one of the sensors for transmission and receiving.
Sensor option 1 : 20,0000-HC49U-S: Standard quartz, fundamental, 20.0 MHz at reichelt elektronik
Sensor option 2 : 20,000000-MT: Ceramic SMD quartz 2.5 x 3.2 x 0.7 mm 20.0 MHz at reichelt elektronik

How do I get started?

Hi, @scarletblood13
Welcome to the forum.

That is in the radio frequency range not ultrasonics.

Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

What is the theory behind your project?

Thanks.. Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Hi @TomGeorge,

I would like to connect any Piezoelectric sensor to transmit and capture Ultrasonic waves through steels. I do not have a lot of understanding of electronics. I did a bit of programming in python but Arduino is new to me. I did not deal with a lot of hardware in electronics but would like to learn through this first project. Main theory being sending Ultrasounds >20KHz through 42CrMo4 Alloy steel of larger dimensions (in m) hence I considered a larger central frequency for better penetration through this solid.


Those are not sensors - they are crystals for use in oscillator circuits.

Ultrasonics can range into the tens of MHz:

I think this is a very specialist area, and requires very specialist (which usually means expensive) transducers - not the cheap little 20kHz ones you commonly see for distance measurement!

Do you have a good understanding of the principles of ultrasonic NDT, and the signal processing involved?

I have only serviced crack detecting gear that uses high current, not ultrasonic or x-ray that is sometimes used.

Your hardware is going to be the main issue I would say.

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

I think the signal & image processing to make sense of the sensor outputs will also be a big challenge!

I think both the hardware & the software for this are very specialist areas.

I can use some hardware from the University. We have access to Ultrasonic Pulsing and Receiving Unit (UPR) from Tribosonics. It is an 8 channel unit with a max rep rate of 100KHz. It has these ports available. What are these ports? The other available port is a D-SUB 37 pin.

Surely, you must have people at the university who can answer this?

Or consult the Tribosonics documentation and/or contact them for support.

I would do that, thanks!

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