I would like to connect any Piezoelectric sensor to transmit and capture Ultrasonic waves through steels. I do not have a lot of understanding of electronics. I did a bit of programming in python but Arduino is new to me. I did not deal with a lot of hardware in electronics but would like to learn through this first project. Main theory being sending Ultrasounds >20KHz through 42CrMo4 Alloy steel of larger dimensions (in m) hence I considered a larger central frequency for better penetration through this solid.
I think this is a very specialist area, and requires very specialist (which usually means expensive) transducers - not the cheap little 20kHz ones you commonly see for distance measurement!
Do you have a good understanding of the principles of ultrasonic NDT, and the signal processing involved?
I can use some hardware from the University. We have access to Ultrasonic Pulsing and Receiving Unit (UPR) from Tribosonics. It is an 8 channel unit with a max rep rate of 100KHz. It has these ports available. What are these ports? The other available port is a D-SUB 37 pin.