Using UNO board + Ethernet Shield + SPI devices

I'm a newbie.
I have a prototype based on Arduino UNO. I use serial communication to control my prototype. It works fine.

Now I'd like to add simple TCP/UDP capabilities and use as many as possible I/O pins from the UNO board like SPI interface.
I thought using the Arduino Ethernet shield.

Question: Can I use the shield's SPI interface with other devices as long as I don't use pin 10 for SS (Slave Select)?
If not, are there other ethernet shields on the market that allow using the SPI interface of Arduino UNO?

Thank you for support.

The Ethernet Shield used pin 4 and 10 for the SD card and Ethernet.
You can use the SPI bus and the SPI.transfer() function with an other Chip Select.

But only if you disable the other SPI device, when the SPI.transfer is done:

Enable Chip Select (almost always making it low)
SPI.transfer() (one or many)
Disable Chip Select (relase the SPI bus)