Using Uno to program standalone microcontroller.

Is it even possible?

If so, how?

Would be nice to be able to use some standalone microcontroller without the need of the whole board.

Currently I'm using PIC18F4550 as my microcontroller, for projects not that huge I'm going with the 16F690. But it takes more time to code them than the Arduino, so I was wondering if it's possible to use the Arduino's simplicity to program standalone ATMega's microcontrollers.

Thank you.


A google search for "Arduino standalone" will find you heaps of examples, including this one from the Arduino playground on this site, and Nick Gammon's simplified example. Lots of posts on how to program the bootloader and subsequent sketches also.

Also there is the option of using Atmel ATTiny series processors for smaller projects. MIT have a project here but there are several other options including the Arduino-tiny project also if you want to try smaller uC's.

Cheers ! Geoff

Thank you for the Nick Gammon's simplified example, it's VERY helpful. I've found some other tutorials, here on aswell, but most of them would miss something or tell wrong informations.

I'm going to buy my microcontroller tomorrow and start the tests. :smiley: