using visual LED output for voltage counting

hi, i hope someone could help me.

I am suing:

  • arduini UNO R3.
  • 6 LEDS
  • 6 100R Resistors
  • 1 potentiometer

i want to calculate the voltage and get a visual feedback of my leds.
somehow its not working as i want and i have 2 questions

1.) why do i get a serialmonitor output of 2 or 3 when i use the if and when i dont use them i get a outpur of 0

2.) the leds are all always turned on

i hope someone could help me, ty in forward

sry i have some pic uploading problems - Unbenannt hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB

somehow its not working as i want

Please post "it" and explain what it should do and what it actually does. A wiring diagram would be helpful too.

i had some issues of uploading a picture of my code(i hope it works now) and right now im dloading fritzing.
i will send a layout if the code is not enaught

The three most useless things in aviation:

  • Runway behind you
  • Altitude above you
  • Fuel you left behind

The three most useless things on the Programming Forum:

  • Pictures of code
  • Fritzing circuit diagrams
  • Problem Statement: "it doesn’t work"

well ill try to explain...

  • i got 6 LEDs all assigned to PORTB (PIN 8 - 13)
  • i got a potentiometer assigned to AnalogIN (A0)

what it should do:

  • when the potentiometer is on lowest position no LEDs should be turned on
  • when the potentiometer is on med position 3 leds should be turned on
  • when the potentiometer is on max all leds should be turned on

what it does:

  • all LEDS are turned on even when the position is on med lor lowest
  • serial monitor shows always 3 even when the poti is on the lowest position (it should be 0)

my code:

void setup() {

DDRB = B11111111;
PORTB = B00000000;

int LED[] = {B00000000, B00000001, B00000011, B00000111, B00001111, B00011111, B00111111};

void loop() {

int calculation = analogRead(A0);

if (calculation == 0) PORTB = LED[0];
if (calculation > 10) PORTB = LED[1];
if (calculation > 170,5)PORTB = LED[2];
if (calculation > 341) PORTB = LED[3];
if (calculation > 511,5)PORTB = LED[4];
if (calculation > 682) PORTB = LED[5];
if (calculation > 852,5)PORTB = LED[6];


how funny i just recognised that a int value cant be 170,5 ...
the analogread cant be double

so i rounded the if values and it works now...

a bit pity, visual studio would recognise that for sure

A period is used as decimal separator, not a comma. If you had enabled your compiler warnings, it would have told you:

C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_modified_sketch_462634\sketch_feb01a.ino: In function 'void loop()':

C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_modified_sketch_462634\sketch_feb01a.ino:16:19: warning: left operand of comma operator has no effect [-Wunused-value]

   if (calculation > 170,5)PORTB = LED[2];



int LED[] = {B00000000, B00000001, B00000011, B00000111, B00001111, B00011111, B00111111};

That is a dumb name for the array. B00000001 is NOT an LED.

Meaningful names ARE important.